Billy Curry
Head Pastor
Pastor Billy began his Pastoral Ministry at Spring Creek Church on Sunday, April 18, 2021. He attended Spring Creek Church as a child and was called to the ministry under the pastorate of Rev. Bruce Carpenter. Reb. Carpenter told Bill that "he would be his Timoth". Pastor Billy attended Nazarene Bible College (satellite classes) and became an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene in 2000. Pastor Billy served as the Senior Pastor at the Orange Church of the Nazarene from June, 1996 through November, 2010. he then accepted the call to the Estaline Valley Church of the Nazarene and serve God faithfully from December, 2010 through April 4, 2021. Pastor Billy married Donna (Daggy) Curry on May 10, 1987 and recently celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. The have two adult children Whitney Mohamed and Jairus Curry, and 6 grandchildren: Jenna, Alivia, Baraka, Amina, Omar, and Eid. The Curry's are very excited to be back home where they can spend time with their families and get reacquainted with the community! God has brought them full circle as their ministry began here and Lord willing will conclude here surrounded by family, friends, and neighbors!

Steven Lloyd
Associate Pastor
Steve was raised on his family['s dairy farm in Singers Glen, VA. He was gloriously saved at a revival service at Spring Creek Church of the Nazarene in July 1999 when he was 26 years old. Spring Creek became his home church and he was lovingly welcomed into the family of God. He is married to his beautiful bride Tina and they have one son Jebediah (Jeb), wife Alison. His ministry goal is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone he can; letting them know that God loves them and has a plan for their lives if they will accept Him as their Lord and Savior. He also wants to shepherd and help them grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through teaching, preaching, and modeling a Christian life to them so they can change the world for God.

Carolyn Black & LaCrissa Caldwell
Children's Ministry Directors
Carolyn has been a part of Spring Creek Church of the Nazarene and worked with children for many years. She has years of experience directing children's programs such as Vacation Bible School and Caravan. Carolyn is married to Jerry Black and they have one son, Forrest.
La Crissa has helped in the children's ministries and is a Sunday School Teacher. She is married to Joshua and has two children. Both Carolyn and LaCrissa have a heart for children and enjoy teaching them about the love of Jesus. They are excited to be working with the children and look forward to seeing how God moves in Creek Kidz Zone!
La Crissa has helped in the children's ministries and is a Sunday School Teacher. She is married to Joshua and has two children. Both Carolyn and LaCrissa have a heart for children and enjoy teaching them about the love of Jesus. They are excited to be working with the children and look forward to seeing how God moves in Creek Kidz Zone!